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Write the Songs 2021—Session 3, Assignment 3: Stop Time

Song 17

Another surprise from May. I remembered writing this song about the park near my house when I was growing up. When my brother was a toddler, one of the first times he had a babysitter who wasn’t me (there was a family wedding), he was riding one of the metal horses backwards, and when he hopped off, it popped up and slammed him in the chin, requiring stitches. When I was about his age, our older sister yanked me off the rainbow in the same park and I fell onto a shard of glass. I did not have stitches, and I still have a crescent moon scar on my knee.

I had no clue what this assignment was, and it turns out it was “Songwriting is Theft!” based on a Carly Simon interview. I could not think who I was ripping off, and unless I’m creating a memory to fit the scenario, eventually I realized that I think what I stole was the relentless descending bassline from Patty Griffin’s “Poor Man’s House”? I don’t know if the weird chorus chords are also attributable to that.

The highest note in this is only an Ab, but for some reason, it’s giving me fits. I also may make a change to the last half verse to have the melody on the last line ascend, but I am going with this recording for now.

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